Friday, April 27, 2012

Feeling Run Down?

I have a friend in the UK suffering from a chest infection and generally feeling run down.  I have looked through my books and put together this list of supplements and food advice to try to help boost her immune and fight the infection  in her chest and lungs.  I thought it might be interesting to share for anyone else feeling run down, tired or who might have an infection lurking around.

Floradix can't recommend this product high enough!  It's the most effective thing I have ever taken to help fight exhaustion.  It was first recommended to me whilst pregnant with both my babies in Amsterdam - It is plant based and not synthetic and unlike the usual Iron supplements this product will not make you constipated - it tastes pretty vile but I like to think its like taking a nip of whisky and then I wash it down with a drink of orange juice to ge the taste away whilst consuming the Vitamin C will help with the absorption of the Iron. 

Vitamin C in powder form(easier to absorb than tablet form, also means your not getting any additional ingredients and will save you money, always buy the best quality one possible) - best way to boost your immune, and general do good'er (high doses have been proven to fight cancer), this is the one I take, sure you can get an equivalent in the UK if you can't get this one -

Black Radish supplement - this is a great all round health supplement and will specifically help in boosting respiratory tract health

Vitamin E and Vitamin A - either in supplement or try to get from food - if you want a supplement try to get natural and not synthetically made - here is a list of foods containing Vitamin E
and Vitamin A

Good fats - if you are not eating oily fish and nuts every day then supplement with a good Omega 3 and 6 oil capsule something like this, if you can get it in the UK feeling run down and very tired.  I looked through my

Diet Advice :

Avoid red meant and dairy.  Try eating small and often, lots of green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish, whole grains etc.  Avoid the usual suspects in large quantities, alcohol, caffeine, sugar.  A few cups of green tea a day would be a great anti-oxidant boost.

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