Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sugar - The sweet truth!

I have wanted to do a post for some time now on sugar.  Its a huge topic/issue and one that will take time to digest and form a succinct view on.

However in the meantime, I wanted to share this link to a post in a fantastic food blog,  who give a great basic outline of natural sugars v's refined manufacturers,  have to say all my agave went in the bin after reading this!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar

My daughter has been producing a greenish mucus for the past couple of months.  It does not bother her,  she has no other symptoms, no fever, no signs of anything else going on.  It bothers me though and I want to ge to the root of what's going on.  I have a gut feeling that there may be an allergy or possibly the end of an infection that she fought herself without me knowing!  I will make an appointment with an allergist to see if anything comes up, but for some reason Apple Cider Vinegar came up in my head the other day, and I seem to remember someone in Amsterdam (I think it was our doctor) recommending Apple Cider Vinegar for cold symptoms.  I didn't use it but I have been curious.  So anyway I have bought the stuff and started looking into it.

There appears to be a whole host of benefits associated with using this natural product and I am curious to see the effects myself.  The import thing when buying this product is to make sure it is unfiltered and especially in the US, organic.  It should be cloudy not clear and have some sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

Here you can find a link that I liked giving you directions on how to take it and also listing the benefits.  I would suggest for colds/mucus problems serving it warm and for children use as much as the child will take!

I will report back on any effects I note on using the product and search for any great recipes!